Why Our Oriental Rug Cleaning Service Is Preferred

Oriental rugs have been sought for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and these days they are still adored by individuals around the world. They feature wonderful color schemes, unique textures, brilliant weaving, and a bunch of other attractive qualities. When a rug is brand new, it’s not only visually attractive but odor-free as well. This is until, of course, the rug gets dirty, and unfortunately this is inevitable.
When your oriental rug gets dirty, it’s at this point that you should reach out to our oriental rug cleaning service in Brooklyn. For years, we’ve been a top choice for those who need oriental rug cleaning, and that’s because individuals in and around the area know that we go above and beyond for our clients. We won’t stop cleaning until your rug is spotless and sanitary, and this has been our promise since we first opened our doors.

Our Services

Rug Cleaning

We clean rugs with high-tech tools, the best cleaning products, and industry-leading methods. No rug is too old or complex for us.


Rug Restoration & Repair

Whether you need rug recoloring, rug reweaving, rug binding, rug fringing, or another kind of rug restoration service, we can help you.


Our Team Cleans Oriental Rugs And These Rugs Too

While we specialize in oriental rug cleaning, this isn't the only cleaning service we deliver. We can clean any rug or carpet that comes through our doors, and we can deliver rug cleaning at your property if this is what you need. We have been cleaning rugs for years, and our licensed and certified technicians always stay up-to-date on leading rug cleaning methods. These are the other rugs we clean in addition to oriental rugs.
Area rugs
Shag rugs
Silk rugs
Navajo rugs
Synthetic rugs
Polyester rugs
Wool rugs
Jute rugs
Moroccan rugs
Kilim rugs


Why We’re Sought By Brooklyn Oriental Rug Owners

For years, we have been trusted and preferred by those who need oriental rug cleaning in Brooklyn. We are always committed to doing good work for our clients, and no cleaning job is too large or complex for us. We will follow any specific cleaning instructions you have to ensure the cleaning process goes off without a hitch, and we can even provide same-day service if this is what you require.


Cleaning Rugs With Green And Non-Toxic Products

We can clean rugs with green and non-toxic cleaning products. Our green cleaning products are often preferred by those who have young children and/or pets at home. When we're done with cleaning, your rugs will be ready for use immediately. You don't have to worry about cleaning effectiveness coming at the cost of eco-friendliness. Our eco-friendly products are just as strong as the conventional ones we use. This way, thorough rug cleaning doesn’t come at a cost to the environment.